Computer Tips for the Everyday User

By Aysë Stenabaugh

As an everyday user your knowledge of how computers work, and best practices may be limited. Not to mention that technology is ever changing and can be overwhelming. Having supporting information can help you build confidence when using your devices and can make computing more enjoyable. Here are a few tips that you can use while using your computer.

  • Keep your computer software up to date to ensure that you are receiving the latest security updates and bug performance fixes possible. As scary as it may be to take a chance that things will change with an update, the risk of your software running into unresolvable problems without the latest updates are increased when your software is out of date. Most software is unsupported after 10 years or less, its best to check with the software developer or an IT professional if the software you use and the data used within that software is important to you. So that you can continue to access it without interruptions.
  • Heat and Dirt building up inside your computer can cause damage to the physical components of your machine. It’s important to make sure your device has good ventilation especially for laptops where airflow is very limited. When possible, occasionally use canned air to blow out the inside of your device or at least where the air vents are located. DO NOT use a vacuum cleaner as it creates static electricity and can harm sensitive components.
  • Be aware of scammers who are trying to take advantage of unsuspecting users. Scammers can use all kinds of methos to attempt to reach you such as phone, email, text message, social media, and traditional mail. One of the best ways you can protect yourself is to avoid anything that doesn’t make sense, if you get an email from “Amazon” stating that you purchased a $3,000 tv that you know you didn’t purchase you should immediately consider that this could be a scam. Avoid clicking on any direct links in suspected spam messages, instead in this scenario for example a user can visit the Amazon website to check order history to confirm that the order doesn’t exist. Another common scam occurs when visiting a website that is infected. Many users will experience full-screen pop-up that seemingly cannot be closed. The warning which often includes obnoxious audio claims that the device has been infected and to call “Microsoft”. The phone number provided will direct users to none other than the scammers themselves who will use scare tactics to trick users into believing their computer is infected.
  • Use two-step verification to protect your online accounts. Two-step verification is an extra layer of security that is available and sometimes required for most online accounts. When you setup two step verification you will have a password that you use to login as usual. With Two-Step verification enabled, any time you login with your account from a new device you will be prompted to retrieve a second verification code which is usually sent via email, phone call or text message. It’s extremely important when setting up two step verification that you ensure that you add the correct contact information and keep it up to date so you can continue to access your accounts. Having multiple verification methods is ideal.
  • Backup all important data on your device to a second storage location. It doesn’t matter if you use cloud storage or a physical storage device such as a flash drive or CD. If you are utilizing cloud storage make sure that all data stored on your computer is syncing to the cloud and that you have access to the account to retrieve the data later. If you are using an external storage device like an external backup or flash drive, replace the backup device if it fails to ensure that no data is lost.
  • Restart your device regularly or anytime you are experiencing a lingering issue. Many problems are resolved after a restart because programs that are causing an issue may not have closed properly when you exited them. Restarting your devices also gives them an opportunity to install the latest updates. Since the components inside a computer are sensitive to fluctuations in temperature its best to keep your desktop computers on to keep them running at a constant temperature. Users should shut down their devices if there is a potential for power outages or when they will not be used for extended periods of time. Laptops on the other hand should be turned off when not in use since they have limited airflow and cooling abilities. It is recommended that laptop users consider shutting off the device when not in use rather than choosing sleep mode which can cause the computer to go into a “limbo” power state where the device is on but will not turn on or display properly until fully powered off.

We like to think that technology works all on its own, but the fact of the matter is that as users we must give the devices the commands required to function the way that we want them to. As an everyday user you must know that you aren’t expected to have all the technology answers, take your time, and think logically as you attempt to resolve your technical problems.